Managing arthritis
This is information to help patients who want to manage their arthritis, but don't want or aren't ready for surgical treatment.
View the interactive slideshow below, a downloadable copy is also available.
Management Components

Joint stress and weight control
Hip and knee joints carry the weight of the entire body every step. Parts of these joints experience joint forces up to 5-10x body weight! This means that 20kg of extra weight can mean an extra 100kg of force through the hip.
Weight loss to prevent many conditions such as heart or lung disease decrease risk by a several percent but may not change an outcome. Every kg of weight loss however on a load bearing joint decreases the stress experienced. That decreases the pain on both hips and both knees - much better than 4 joint replacements!
Weight loss may not prevent the need to replace an already damaged joint, however it makes surgery safer and less invasive. There is a lower rate of infection, joint mal-position, operative fracture and early failure. In addition your anaesthetic will be safer and your therapy easier to manage.